Gun vs Knife

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Ribolla’s study and similar studies confirm the current philosophies in defensive tactics/combatives: that one must first employ unarmed physical control before using a firearm against an assailant wielding an edged weapon.

The details..

Gun Versus Knife: And the Winner is... by Eugene Nielsen explores the dangers posed from edged weapons when confronted by an armed individual. Through investigative research, tactical consulting services, and experience as both a California licensed private investigator and former police officer, author Eugene Neilsen provides readers with essential information on defending against these types of attacks.

The study conducted over two years (1995 - 1997) at George Stone Criminal Justice Training Center in Pensacola Florida included 128 basic recruit officers equipped with standard duty gear (pistol belt, holster & training firearm). Results showed that none of them survived any attack within 10 feet or less; only one out of 128 survived at 15 feet (.8 percent survival rate); 8 participants or 6.3 percent survived at 21 feet.

Action is always quicker than reaction which means assailants have three distinct stages to assault you while you must undergo four stages to react appropriately; early identification of threat being essential for adequate time to formulate response. Distance also plays an important factor but no matter how experienced you are it may not be possible until after assault has been initiated giving assailant enormous advantage.

When attacked by an assailant armed with an edged weapon drawing your handgun may be legally justifiable but tactically sound? Most likely not since there wont be enough time to draw fire & evade attack so Ribolla suggests using defensive maneuver such as sweep & disengage then clear path before considering use deadly force if attacker redirects direction re-attack occurs.

Ribolla's study brings attention need for increased awareness dangers posed from edged weapons making it clear that distance alone isn't enough prompting some suggest replacing 21 foot rule 25 foot rule instead.

Resource Info

Page count: 3
Size: 11kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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